Beiträge von Inaktiv

    Es gibt bis auf die versuchte "Maschine" absolut keine Beweise.

    Ehrliche Antwort: Ich wollte es tatsächlich versuchen, [...]


    da hast du es doch sogar selbst gesagt ... aber ok, ich spiel mal mit. Und was wäre wenn es geklappt hätte ? Du hättest die ganz bestimmt abgebaut und das gedupte dann vernichtet. Warum sind denn so viele user so naiv und glauben das wir das nicht mitbekommen ... du bist seit 2015 im Forum, du hättest theoretisch unzählige Entbannanträge sehen müssen wegen duping. Oder mal einen Blick in den BanManager geworfen, derzeit haben wir 151 Bans wegen duping ...


    thats kinda obvious, he ment the koords ... but i did a quick search and yes, Finn's thought was right. You sir have deleted your items yourself.

    first and foremost its such a dumb idea (i dont mean you in oarticular, just in generel) to make a city on an already existing gp-claim. the plot was already claimed and already safe, it cant be safer than that.

    what happened you may ask. simple, you created a town in that chunk. You then unclaimed the chunk and that deletes the city, when that happens, towny scans that specific chunk and deletes a lot of items.

    this was very unlucky ...

    i double checked, even tripple checked my double check and to be sure i reactivated my hird eye, which is blind, so it made no difference at all.

    however, first tho i were sure, i - as i said- checked if i rly am and yes, hawkeye saves its data seperatly to the map. one may correct me if im wrong. 2nd i have looked at the coords you have provided and it is rly just you there. its a pity, i realy wanna hope u didnt made it up, but i sadly cant find anything that proofs what you are saying here. however, i have found the player ur maybe calling out, its Herasti, but he just ported back yesterday an 22:00. i searched for the last 9 days if anyone had broke blocks there except you and there was noone to be found. technicaly it kinda would still be possible ... but its only 3 ppl of capable doing it, so that can be ruled out, because they also have gamemode available xD

    when did u build all the stuff that seems to be gone ?

    PrincePingu if you know that u arent online for a long time, then u can remove the spotloader urself. i wanna prevent complains about spotloader being removed.

    aaaaaaand wish ya a great summer as well

    hmm ... wir haben soeben zwei dinge festgestellt.

    1.) dein zeitgefühl ist komplett für die tonne liebe Heruntergefahren

    2.) du warst mal grad ein paar wochen nicht da, wenn überhaupt. deine fehlende zeit wurde also hinzugefügt, somit hast du nun deine 6 age ontime wieder, zusätzlich zu den glorreichen neue 16 minuten.

    i banned you because i heared something about ppl from "your" server coming to us to check what plugins are installed, so as a precaution i banned everyone.

    taking your grandkids accounts wouldnt make much difference, it would disguise you.

    however, bauws told me, shortly after he noticed you were banned by me, that you are a pretty reasonable person. that then led me to overthink that ban and i kinda wanted to delete it, just had no time for and wasnt 100% sure about it anyways.

    I'm sorry they feel that way - I don't know understand I'm automatically a bad guy because I came from a different server, I know I'm in the wrong area but thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me

    not they, just me.

    so, bist entbannt.

    folgendes verbarg sich hinter der zahlen:

    1.) dein chash weg samt deiner solars

    2.) der inhalt deiner storages gone forever

    3.) du wärst noch maximal neun, minimal 8 weitere tage gebannt gewesen, "sonst nichts weiter"

    also von 1 nach 3 wurds immer schlimmer, du hast die mitte gewählt.

    bist auch bereits entbannt, also, selten mal angenommen.

    hmm... ok, wenn da wirklich nen paar leute bei dir sind, hast du jetzt die gelegenheit mir das auf dem ts zu beweisen, binnen der nächsten 15 minuten.

    edit: also da keine absicht besteht das zu klären, bleibts gebannt.

    frohe weihnachten, schöne ostern

    nochmal nen nachtrag ... das war nen tempban ... da fehlen mir dann auch die worte, deswegen sonen aufriss zu machen